home is where your story begins
Jon Huss
Jon Huss has been in the financial services and mortgage industry for nearly 17 years. He prides himself on always being available to his clients and providing consistent, industry-leading communication from the first meeting to the closing table. Jon's clients know that he always has time for them as they are the determinant of his success. He works to keep his business/referral partners up to date on mortgage market trends, as well as providing them an extensive list of tools to best support their clients.

Jon feels extremely lucky to be able to spend every day helping homebuyers through what is often the largest financial decision of their lives. The long-lasting relationships that Jon creates with his clients and business partners are what make his career so fulfilling.

Jon and his wife live in Southern NH with their Italian Greyhound and are both avid Formula 1 fans. In his spare time Jon enjoys playing the guitar and drums as well as working on home improvement projects.

If you are looking for someone to be by your side during the homebuying process, Jon is the loan originator for you!
Tools You Can Use
See how Waterstone Mortgage’s construction loan and permanent financing solutions can help your clients.
We offer a variety of tools and resources for Real Estate Agents. See why partnering with Waterstone Mortgage can help close your clients' loans on time.